Enzo Life Sciences热销产品——Progesterone(孕酮) ELISA kit-产品资讯-资讯-生物在线

Enzo Life Sciences热销产品——Progesterone(孕酮) ELISA kit

作者:欣博盛生物科技有限公司 2023-06-07T14:19 (访问量:4855)


ENZO Progesterone ELISA kit是一种比色竞争法酶免疫检测试剂盒,3小时内可以得到检测结果。在405nm处读取吸光度。

● 高灵敏度,可测量低至8.57 pg/ml的孕酮

● 高特异性,与其他类固醇几乎不反应

● 易于使用的液体颜色编码试剂,可减少错误

● 高通量,3小时内可得到结果,可检测多达38个样本(带复孔)

ENZO热销产品——Progesterone(孕酮) ELISA kit



ADI-900-011/ ADI-901-011


Progesterone ELISA kit孕酮ELISA试剂盒)


96 wells/ 5x96 wells


8.57 pg/ml


15.62-500 pg/ml


<3 hours


Species independent


culture supernatants, serum, and saliva from any species. Cited sample type includes plasma




GxM IgG Microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay buffer, Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, pNpp Substrate, Stop solution, Steroid displacement reagent


1. Synergistic effect of standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem and heat shock on progesterone synthesis with lipid droplets and mitochondrial function in bovine granulosa cells: K.T. Ho, et al.; J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 225, 106181 (2023)

2. Changes in concentrations of cervicovaginal immune mediators across the menstrual cycle: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data: S.M. Hughes, et al.; BMC Med. 20, 353 (2022)

3. Deficiency of Wnt10a causes female infertility via the β-catenin/Cyp19a1 pathway in mice: J.H. Zhang, et al.; Int. J. Med. Sci. 19, 701 (2022)

4. Estrous cycle contributes to state-dependent contextual fear in female rats: R.S. Blair, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 141, 105776 (2022)

5. MEHP induces alteration of mitochondrial function and inhibition of steroid biosynthesis in MA-10 mouse tumor Leydig cells: K. Traore, et al.; Toxicology 463, 152985 (2022)

6. Non-invasive assessment of fecal glucocorticoid, progesterone, and androgen metabolites and microbiome in free-ranging southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in South Africa: K.H. Kothmann, et al.; Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 329, 114099 (2022)

7. Testicular Macrophages Produce Progesterone De Novo Promoted by cAMP and Inhibited by M1 Polarization Inducers: S. Yamauchi, et al.; Biomedicines 10, 487 (2022)

8. The anxiolytic effect of koumine on a predatory sound stress-induced anxiety model and its associated molecular mechanisms: B. Xiong, et al.; Phytomedicine 103, 154225 (2022)

9. A standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem improves HSP70-mediated redox balance and cell functions in bovine cumulus-granulosa cells: K.T. Ho, et al.; Sci. Rep. 11, 18175 (2021)

10. Antidepressant-like effects of Z-ligustilide on chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depression in rats: J.C. Ma, et al.; Exp. Ther. Med. 22, 677 (2021)

11. Chronic irisin exposure decreases sexual incentive motivation in female rats: N. Ulker, et al.; Physiol. Behav. 232, 113341 (2021), Application(s): Rat serum

12. Endometrial Inflammation at the Time of Insemination and Its Effect on Subsequent Fertility of Dairy Cows: K. Wagener, et al.; Animals 11, 1858 (2021)

13. Hormone autocrination by vascularized hydrogel delivery of ovary spheroids to rescue ovarian dysfunctions: H.J. Yoon, et al.; Sci. Adv. 7, eabe8873 (2021)

14. Impact of heat stress on embryonic development during first 16 days of gestation in dairy cows: R. Kasimanickam & V. Kasimanickam; Sci. Rep. 11, 14839 (2021)

15. Kisspeptin/Kiss1r system and angiogenic and immunological mediators at the maternal-fetal interface of domestic cats: L.C. Santos, et al.; Biol. Reprod. 61, 1093 (2021)

ENZO热销产品——Dopamine(多巴胺)ELISA kit

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